S.Q. series Used & Overhauled Furnaces

  • S.Q. series furnaces: Exclusively produced in 4 tracks version, S.Q. furnaces are designed to allow high productivity also in presence of extremely limited room available. The evolution trend in hot forging has stimulated perfectioning of quality features of furnaces in terms of temperature uniformity and production velocity. The answer to these requirements is realized by this series of furnaces thanks to the use of sophisticated temperature detection and regulation systems.

    Availability of a wide number of optionals for specific production needs.

    Temperature regulation by proportional modulating action, allowing temperature uniformity to be +/- 0.5% of preset value. Check up by thermocouple for entrance and central zones; by optical pyrometer for the exit zone. Direct heating by burners on the heating chamber vault and flame on tracks.

    Tracks stand on steel rods, not directly on refractory, these determines a more uniform heat transfer on tracks: less oxidant of the parts, preservation of graphite features (if used) less bending and longer lasting of tracks, easiness in cleaning the heating chamber hearth.

    Four chamber length are available: SQ180, SQ240, SQ300, SQ360 (all 2 zones), where model number indicates length in mm. Every chamber can be provided by racks, having wheelbase 50mm.

    Feeder/In-column device AC (pieces L.100), AS (pieces L.150), AL (pieces L.300).

    Electrical switchboard and operator panel, both beside the machine, included. Feed logics by PLC.
    • Features
    • Features: Suitable for continuous stamping of 1, 2 or 4 pieces. Internal movement on 4 tracks made by refractory steel. Temperature regulation by microchip. Detection by thermocouple and optical pyrometer. Temperature check up by PLC and visual display
    • Pieces example
    • Example of pieces: Billets from diam. 15 to 40 mm, length from 20 to 300 mm.
    • Optionals
    • Optionals: Among the main ones, we indicate: optical pyrometer, display on operator panel, soundproof cabin, integrated lower emptying device, mouth-piece for loading tank, unloading conveyors in all combination, scrap parts device.
    • Tag
    • brass pieces, Copper pieces, Hot stamping, Boost ovens
    • Range and combinations
    • Range and combinations: In-column device AC, AS, AL - Tracks wheelbase 4G50 - Chamber SQ240, SQ300, SQ360