Questa ricerca permette di trovare il modello di forno standard in base ai parametri immessi dal cliente (materiale, lavorazioni, accessori, ecc...)
Questa ricerca permette di trovare il modello di forno ricercando qualsiasi termine all'interno dei titoli, delle descrizioni e delle caratteristiche
Accessori - Svuotatore
Accessori - Dispositivo incolonnamento dischi
Accessori - Dispositivo distacco dischi
Accessori- Scarto pezzi
Accessori - Convogliatori di scarico
Accessori - Reincolonnatori
Accessori - Svuotatore
Accessori - Dispositivo distacco dischi
Disponibile nelle versioni a due o quattro piste.
Available in two or four tracks versions.
Accessori- Scarto pezzi
Disponibile nelle versioni a due o quattro piste.
Available in two or four tracks versions.
Temperature regulation by proportional modulating action, allow ing temperature uniformity to be +/- 0.5% of preset value. Check up by thermocouple for entrance and central zones; by optical pyrometer for the exit zone. Direct heating by burners on the heating chamber vault and flame on tracks.
Tracks stand on steel rods, non directly on refractory; these determines a more uniform heat transfer on tracks: less oxidation of the parts, preservation of graphite features (if used), less bending and longer lasting f tracks, easiness in cleaning the heating chamber hearth.
Six combustion chamber lengths are available: IGM2600 (2 zones) and from IGM3200 to IGM5100 (3 zones). where the model number states the length in mm. The chamber is provided with 3 Tracks having 120 mm wheelbase (pieces diam. 25-100 mm) or 4 tracks having wheelbase 80 mm (pieces diam. 25-60).
Feeder/In-column device A1600 (pieces L.350).
Electrical switchboard and operator panel, both at the machine edge, included. Feed logics by PLC.
Temperature regulation by microchip thermoregurator.
Availability of a huge number of optionals, according to specifying production needs.
Temperature regulation by proportional modulating action, allowing temperature uniformity to be +/- 0.5% of preset value. Check up by thermocouple on one or two zones, according to heating chamber length.
Direct heating by burners on the heating chamber vault and flame on tracks.
In 2G version, tracks wheelbase is 80 mm (pieces diam. 15-60mm) or 120 mm (pieces diam. 15-80), in 3G version, the wheelbase is 75 mm (pieces diam. 15-60 mm).
Four combustion chamber lengths are available: SO180, SO240 (1 zone) e SO240, SO300, SO360 (2 zones), where the model number indicates length in mm. The chamber is provided with 2 or 3 tracks according to required production and parts to be heated.
Feeder/In-column device AC (pieces L.100), As (pieces L.150), AL 8pieces L. 300).
Electrical switchboard and operator panel beside the machine included. Feed logics by electromechanical relays.
Temperature regulation by microchip thermoregulator.
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SVUOTATORE AUTOMATICO BREVETTATO per consentire lo stampaggio di tutti i pezzi.
L’innovativa geometria della catena, interamente costruita in materiale speciale antitermico, consente di massimizzare la spinta del dispositivo, evitandone il deragliamento.
Il dispositivo è controllato elettricamente in modo da avere comandi manuali per lo svuotamento veloce della camera di riscaldo e comandi di ciclo automatico per lo scarico e lo stampaggio di tutti i pezzi a fine produzione, facilmente gestibili dall’operatore direttamente dal pannello di controllo.
Alla fine del ciclo di svuotamento, la catena ritorna automaticamente in posizione di riposo, nell’apposito alloggiamento costruito sotto alla struttura della camera di combustione.
Questo accessorio permette di separare i dischi caldi con spessore sottile e che, con la temperatura, tendono a rimanere uniti fra loro creando problemi al ciclo di stampaggio automatico della pressa.
This ancillary product allows separation of hot discs having the thickness and which, by temperature, tend to stay stuck together, creating problems to press machine automatic cycle.
Questo accessorio permette di scartare i pezzi caldi a monte della pressa.Utile in quei casi in cui la presa è priva di scarto pezzi oppure in caso di spazio a disposizione limitato.
This ancillary product allows to scrap hot parts upstream the press machine.
This is useful in those cases where the press machine is without scrap device or in case of limited room available.
These distinguish for their extreme use versatility and conduction simplicity. Designed to allow maximum productivity with minimum overall dimension, these solve more and present needs of limitation in available room with increased quantity produced. These are suitable for precision heating of huge quantity of small, medium and large parts (maximum weight: 8 kilos/part).
Present on the market since 1984, these were improved time by time and distinguish for the very high number of installations and trials.